
Team MFI is a multi-disciplinary group of passionate medicinal, synthetic, and computational chemists, motivated to do good and change the world, fast-tracking preclinical pharmaceutical programs on an international scale.

Mihai Burai-Patrascu, Ph.D.

Senior Scientist I

Ph.D. from McGill. Research focus: developing computational tools, with emphasis on expanding FORECASTER and use of VIRTUAL CHEMIST for asymmetric catalysis.

Justin Buschman-Dormond, B.A.

Operations Coordinator

B.A from Bishop’s University with a Business & Marketing concentration and minor in Psychology. Dedicated to improve MFI’s operational and functional efficiencies.

Matej Janezic, Ph.D.
Associate Scientist II
Ph. D. from the University of Tokyo. Research focus: structure and ligand-based drug design. Matej previously worked at the National Institute of Chemistry in Slovenia.
Suneel Kumar BVS, Ph.D.
Director of AI and Technology
Ph.D. from JNTUH, Hyderabad, India. Research Focus: Structure and ligand-based drug design, and deep learning. Suneel has more than 18 years of industry experience and has led many successful projects to preclinical and clinical stages.
Antoine Moitessier, B.Sc.
Junior Scientist II

B.Sc. Honours in Pharmacology from McGill University. Antoine worked in the Department of Pharmacology & Therapeutics at McGill and in the Human Health Therapeutics (HHT) Research Centre at the National Research Council (NRC).

Nicolas Moitessier, Ph.D.
Co-founder and CSO

Full Professor at McGill and co-founder of Molecular Forecaster. Ph.D. from Université Henri Poincaré-Nancy (France), post-doc at UdM. Current interests: integrating computational chemistry, organic/medicinal chemistry, and software development.

Joshua Pottel, Ph.D.
Ph.D. from McGill. Research focus: software development in chemo- and bioinformatics. Post-doc research as an NRSA and CERSI fellow at UCSF. Co-inventor of VIRTUAL CHEMIST platform.
Ophélie Rostaing, M.Sc.
Associate Scientist II
M.Sc. from Université de Paris (France). Research focus: structure-based drug design. Ophélie previously completed an internship at McGill under the supervision of Pr. Nicolas Moitessier.

Benjamin Weiser, B.Sc.

Mitacs Fellow

Ph.D. student from McGill University, B.Sc. Honours in physics and chemistry from Carleton University: Developing machine learning tools for therapeutical and molecular design applications. 

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