A growth milestone; letter from the CEO
May 24, 2024

Dear Team,

Today, we’re hitting an exciting milestone in our journey—welcoming our tenth team member! This moment marks not just growth in numbers but a significant step in our evolution as a company.

Reflecting on our journey, I’m so proud of how far we’ve come. We started with a vision to be a sustainable Canadian life sciences company (an anchor company, perhaps). We formalized our values—integrity, transparency, collaboration, contribution—values we were already living in the earliest days. We bootstrapped our way to success, building a solid business foundation with a keen focus.

Our team’s diversity is one of our greatest strengths. We come from different backgrounds, technically and culturally, bringing a wealth of perspectives (and great food!) to the table. Some of you have been with us since our early days, based at NEOMED (now adMare Bioinnovations). Some of you helped fill and decorate our offices in downtown Montreal. You helped craft website material (several times…), and you helped revamp our onboarding process. You inspired new technology directions, and you ask the most poignant questions. You’ve all done rigorous research that spans the breadth of our collective chemistry, biology, and computational expertise. You continue to bring your authentic selves every day. You’re all what got us here today and you’re all what will propel us forward. You each took a chance on the group that preceded you, and I hope you’ve benefitted from the group you’ve helped it become.

As we celebrate this milestone, I want to emphasize that this is just the beginning. We find ourselves taking on new projects, making bigger impacts, and pursuing that original vision with great ambition. We are now able to invest in technology development, lead grant applications, and play an active role in our Quebec and Canadian communities. The road ahead is filled with incredible opportunities that were once “someday”. Someday is today.

Thank you for your dedication, hard work, and the unique contributions each of you brings to our team. Together, there is no limit to what we can achieve.

With the utmost appreciation,
